Omnibuses [Erie Transfer Co., Hotels & Depots streetcar.]
Omnibuses [United States Hotel E. C. Purcell streetcar.]
Omnibuses [Selleck's School streetcar.]
Fare-box Cars [Hotels streetcar, Michigan Central Depot, Third & Water Streets to Central Avenue.]
Omnibuses [Mensageras Orientales No. 17 streetcar.]
Omnibuses [Calle del Comercio No. 1 streetcar, Concepción.]
Omnibuses [Cape Town streetcar.]
Fare-box Cars [Covington & Cincinnati No. 9 streetcar, Madison Avenue and Suspension Bridge, Kentucky Central Railroad Depot.]
Closed Cars [No. 90 streetcar, Market Street, Pennsylvania Central, New York & Westchester Railroad Depots, Philadelphia.]
Cable Cars [Grand Central Depot No. 205 streetcar, Central Park, 4th Avenue & Post Office.]
Fare-box Cars [Delaware Avenue & West Street, P.W. & B.R.R. Depot streetcar.]
Closed Cars [Richmond Depot & Point Pleasant No. 3 streetcar.]
Omnibuses [The White Sulphur streetcar.]
Omnibuses [Dunedin City & Suburbs streetcar.]
Fare-box Cars [No. 3 streetcar, Main & Smith Streets, Hudson River & Eastern Depots.]
Omnibuses [Citizens Line streetcar No. 551 with entrance in rear, Lowell, Eastern & Fitchburg Depots, Boston & Charlestown.]
Fare-box Cars [Millvale and Lawrenceville streetcar No. 2, Baltimore & Ohio and Union Depots & Diamond Markets, Fifth Avenue & Cemetery.]
Fare-box Cars [Selma Street Railway streetcar No. 2, Rail Road Depot & Fair Grounds.]