Closed Cars [Interior of No. 8 streetcar.]
Closed Cars [Interior of horse-drawn streetcar showing fare register and oil lamp.]
Electric Cars [Interior of a Minneapolis streetcar.]
Closed Cars [Yorkville & Harlem No. 68 streetcar, Harlem, 2nd Avenue and Peck Slip.]
Summer Cars [No. 226 streetcar.]
Closed Cars [No. 6 streetcar.]
Closed Cars [No. 66 streetcar.]
Electric Cars [Interior of Pittsfield Electric Street Railway streetcar.]
Electric Cars [Double-truck streetcar No. 180.]
Summer Cars [North Chicago City Railway No. 226 streetcar.]
Electric Cars [Brooklyn City R.R. No. 786 streetcar, Flatbush.]
Electric Cars [Streetcar with Westinghouse motor.]
Closed Cars [Ferro Carril Urbano No. 43 streetcar.]
Closed Cars [Wilkesbarre & Kingston No. 5 streetcar, Pennsylvania.]
Closed Cars [Tramway á Belgrano No. 5 streetcar.]
Electric Cars [Steubenville Traction Company No. 10 streetcar.]
Closed Cars [Compañia Nacional de Tramways No. 110 streetcar.]
Closed Cars [Richmond Depot & Point Pleasant No. 3 streetcar.]
Closed Cars [Moline & Rock Island No. 1 streetcar, Illinois.]
Closed Cars [North Chicago City Railway No. 147 streetcar.]