[13 Pineapple Street.]
[Looking west over the East River from Columbia Heights and Pineapple Street.]
[Looking at the west side of Columbia Heights between Clark and Pineapple Streets.]
[West side of Hicks Street between Clark and Pineapple Streets.]
[East side of Hicks Street between Pineapple and Clark Streets.]
[Willow Street.]
[70 Willow Street.]
[Houses on Cranberry Street.]
[20-26 Willow Street.]
[Jehovah's Witnesses dormitory and library facility, 119 Columbia Heights.]
[Joralemon Street and Willow Place.]
[29, 31 and 33 Middagh Street.]
[29 Middagh Street.]
[27, 29, 31 and 33 Middagh Street.]
[22, 24, 26, 28, and 30 Orange Street.]
[104-106 Willow Street.]