Closed Cars [Interior of Harlem No. 68 streetcar.]
Closed Cars [Interior of No. 8 streetcar.]
Electric Cars [Interior of a Minneapolis streetcar.]
Special Cars [Interior of a private passenger car.]
Electric Cars [Steubenville Traction Company No. 10 streetcar.]
Electric Cars [Auburn City Railway No. 1 streetcar with Thomson-Houston motor.]
Electric Cars [Steubenville Traction Company No. 10 streetcar with Westinghouse motor.]
Closed Cars [Four-window horse-drawn streetcar.]
Electric Cars [Railroad truck.]
Electric Cars [Westinghouse motor.]
Electric Cars [Madison & 4th Avenue to Post Office streetcar.]
Closed Cars [Tramway de Concordia streetcar.]
Closed Cars [Larchmont Horse Railway Co. No. 3 streetcar, Larchmont Manor.]
Cable Cars [Interior of a narrow-gauge horsecar with cross seats.]
Closed Cars [Tranvias con Correspondencia No. 6 streetcar.]
Closed Cars [Broadway streetcar, Battery to Central Park.]
Closed Cars [Charles River Railway streetcar, Cambridge, Somerville & Boston.]
Cable Cars [Railroad truck.]