[Looking west across the grounds of the Empire Stores, 53-83 Water Street.]
[Looking northwest across the rooftops of buildings on Beekman Street.]
[268, 270, 272, and 274 Water Street.]
[Fulton and Water Streets.]
[Old Fulton Street between Front and Water Streets.]
[Looking northwest along Old Fulton Street to Waterfront Restaurant.]
[Water Street and Peck Slip, South Street Seaport Historic District.]
[Fulton and Water Streets, looking toward South Street Seaport Historic District.]
[Looking north on Front Street from Fulton Street.]
[Looking southeast through a window toward Schermerhorn Row.]
[Shuttered warehouse windows of the Empire Stores, 53-83 Water Street.]
[Looking north on John Street from Water Street.]
[Looking west from Peck Slip to the twin towers of the World Trade Center.]
[Architectural detail at 251 Water Street.]
[McCormack's Bar & Restaurant, 16 Dover Street.]
[213-215 Water Street and Bowne & Co. Stationers, 211 Water Street.]