New Croton Aqueduct - Head House at Shaft 19 [Croton System.]
High Bridge Reservoir and Tower [Croton System.]
New Croton Reservoir - Waste Channel and Bridge [Croton System.]
New Croton Aqueduct - Typical Horseshoe Section in Open Cut [Croton System.]
New Croton Aqueduct - Cast-Iron Section Lining [Croton System.]
New Croton Reservoir - Fountain, Waste Channel and Bridge [Croton System.]
New Croton Aqueduct - Siphon Under Harlem River [Croton System.]
135th Street Gate House - Exterior [Croton System.]
135th Street Gate House - Interior [Croton System.]
Boyds Corners Reservoir [Croton System.]
Croton Falls Reservoir - Spillway, Waste Channel and Bridge at Diverting Dam [Croton System.]
New Croton Reservoir [Croton System.]
New Croton Reservoir - Spillway Looking Down Stream [Croton System.]
Croton Falls Reservoir - Bridge Over Waste Channel at Main Dam [Croton System.]
New Croton Reservoir - Spillway and Waste Channel From Bridge [Croton System.]
Cross River Reservoir - Spillway, Waste Channel and Bridge [Croton System.]
New Central Park Reservoir and North Gate Houses [Croton System.]
Croton Falls Reservoir - Main Dam [Croton System.]
Middle Branch Reservoir [Croton System.]