[Bowery and 4th Street.]
[Samuel Tredwell Skidmore House, 37 East 4th Street.]
[66 East 4th Street.]
[Aschenbroedel Verein, 74 East 4th Street.]
[Three Federal houses, 175-179 West 4th Street.]
[North side of State Street between Clinton and Court Streets.]
[East side of Hicks Street between Pineapple and Clark Streets.]
[East side of Bowery between Houston and East 1st Streets.]
[Cylindrical fire escape on the façade of 62 East 4th Street.]
[North side of Remsen Street between Hicks Street and Montague Terrace.]
[North side of Horatio Street between Greenwich and Washington Streets.]
[Treadwell House, 29 East 4th Street.]
29 East 4th Street. Old Merchant's House. Entrance
[North side of Canal Street between Greene and Mercer Streets.]
[South side of Remsen Street between Henry and Clinton Streets.]