[Cylindrical fire escape on the façade of 62 East 4th Street.]
[Aschenbroedel Verein, 74 East 4th Street.]
[29-43 East 7th Street.]
[Bowery and 4th Street.]
[58 East 4th Street. Modillioned cornice with broken pediment featuring eagle figure.]
[Samuel Tredwell Skidmore House, 37 East 4th Street.]
[Washington Square Methodist Church, 135-139 West 4th Street.]
[Wendell L. Willkie Building of Freedom House, 20 West 40th Street.]
[North side of East 4th Street between Bowery and Lafayette Street.]
[North side of East 32nd Street between Third and Second Avenues.]
[Beaux Arts Institute of Design building, 304 East 44th Street.]
[St. Ann's Church, 120 East 12th Street.]
172 East 4th St.