[Division and Canal Streets.]
[Looking east on Canal Street from the intersection of Division Street.]
[Looking west from the intersection of Division and Canal Streets at Ludlow Street.]
[88 Division Street.]
Canal Street & Division Street [Broome Street through Central Park]
[Storefronts, 100-110 Delancey Street.]
[Looking south on Orchard Street at the Sender Jarmulowksy Bank Building, 54-58 Canal Street.]
[Storefronts on East Broadway between Catherine and Market Streets.]
Canal Street at Church Street.
[North side of Canal Street between Greene and Mercer Streets.]
[7 and 9 Eldridge Street.]
[Canal and Hudson Streets.]
[Looking at 70 Pine Street from the intersection of Front and Wall Streets.]
[112-114 Prince Street building at the intersection of Greene Street.]
[Looking east on Broome Street at intersection of West Broadway and Watts Street.]