[Al Smith giving his first speech after being nominated for the Democratic presidential candidate.]
[Al Smith giving his speech of acceptance of the presidential nomination.]
[Al Smith taking the oath of office as Governor in 1922.]
[Two Boy Scouts helping Al Smith fire a bow and arrow.]
[Al Smith speaking.]
[Senator Key Pittman notifying Al Smith that he won the Democratic nomination for president.]
[Al Smith with his wife and three of their children in the Executive Mansion.]
[Al Smith presiding over a session of the Committee of the Whole in Albany.]
[Al Smith at the Executive Mansion.]
[Al Smith and others listening to the Democratic National Convention on the radio.]
[Al Smith at a Democrats-for-Willkie booth.]
[Al Smith voting in the first election in which he ran for governor.]
[Al Smith being interviewed in his office.]
[Al Smith with his wife (neé Catherine Ann Dunn) at the Executive Mansion.]
[Al Smith at his first inauguration in Albany.]
[Al Smith.]
[Al Smith at his desk.]
[Al Smith listening to radio broadcast of the Democratic National Convention.]