[Al Smith at a stop on his presidential campaign.]
[Al Smith at a campaign stop during his presidential race.]
[Al Smith at a campaign stop in Indianapolis.]
[Al Smith at a presidential campaign stop in Nebraska.]
[Al Smith waving his hat to the crowds at a parade during a campaign stop in Louisville, Kentucky.]
[Al Smith campaigning in Montana.]
[Al Smith addressing crowds in Wichita, Kansas, during his presidential campaign.]
[Al Smith waving to crowds on arrival at Chattanooga, Tennessee during his presidential campaign.]
[Al Smith speaking in Louisville during his presidential campaign.]
[Al Smith with his wife (neé Catherine Dunn) and three of their grandchildren.]
[Al Smith speaking in Sedalia, Missouri.]
[Al Smith during a campaign stop in Alabama in 1928.]
[Al Smith at 19.]
[Al Smith giving his speech of acceptance of the presidential nomination.]
[Al Smith petting a baby donkey.]
[Daily press conference during Al Smith's presidential campaign.]
[Al Smith at his desk.]
[Al Smith with his wife and their daughter Catherine looking at an elephant.]
[Al Smith and his wife with their grandchildren.]
[Al Smith at the age of 27 with his wife, Catherine Ann Dunn, and their children Alfred, Jr. and Emily.]