[Al Smith giving his first speech after being nominated for the Democratic presidential candidate.]
[Al Smith delivering his acceptance speech after being nominated as the Democratic nominee for president.]
[Al Smith.]
[Al Smith and others listening to the Democratic National Convention on the radio.]
[Al Smith speaking.]
[Al Smith campaigning in Montana.]
[Al Smith giving his speech of acceptance of the presidential nomination.]
[Al Smith speaking in Sedalia, Missouri.]
[Al Smith printing a copy of the Albany Knickerbocker Press.]
[Al Smith and Joseph Taylor at the monkey cage in the zoo at the Governor's Mansion.]
[Al Smith at a campaign stop in Indianapolis.]
Al Smith for President
[Al Smith addressing crowds in Wichita, Kansas, during his presidential campaign.]
[Al Smith at a Democrats-for-Willkie booth.]
[Daily press conference during Al Smith's presidential campaign.]
[Al Smith listening to radio broadcast of the Democratic National Convention.]