[Al Smith at the Executive Mansion.]
[Al Smith with his wife (neé Catherine Ann Dunn).]
[Al Smith with his wife and three of their children in the Executive Mansion.]
[Al Smith with his wife, Catherine Ann Dunn, and child.]
[Al Smith and his wife (neé Catherine Ann Dunn) arriving home from Europe.]
[Al Smith with his wife (neé Catherine Dunn) and three of their grandchildren.]
[Al Smith at the age of 27 with his wife, Catherine Ann Dunn, and their children Alfred, Jr. and Emily.]
[Al Smith and his wife, Catherine, with family on a porch.]
[Alfred E. Smith.]
[Al Smith with his family.]
[Governor and Mrs. Alfred E. Smith (neé Catherine Ann Dunn) in Rome.]
[Al Smith with his extended family.]
[Al Smith and his wife with their grandchildren.]
[Al Smith and his family.]
[Man talking to Al Smith and his wife while they look at a llama and goats.]
[Al Smith at his desk.]