Assembling Steel Shell of Steel Pipe Siphon [Catskill System.]
Typical Concrete-Stone Steel Pipe Siphon Chambers - Elmsford Siphon [Catskill System.]
Yonkers Pressure Tunnel, 16-Feet, 7 Inches in Diameter [Catskill System.]
Bryn Mawr Connection Chamber at Commencement of Yonkers Pressure Tunnel [Catskill System.]
By-Pass Aqueduct Around Kensico Reservoir 11 Feet in Diameter [Catskill System.]
Indian Brook Siphon and North Siphon Chamber [Catskill System.]
Four 48-Inch Pipes Laid in Central Park [Croton System.]
Eight 48-Inch Pipes Laid in Convent Avenue [Croton System.]
Tongore Siphon Chambers at Left With Olive Bridge Dam Beyond [Catskill System.]
Bonticou Crag [Catskill System.]
Ashokan Reservoir From High Point 3200-Feet Above Water Surface [Catskill System.]
Kensico Aerator and Screen Chamber [Catskill System.]
Kensico Dam, Looking North-West [Catskill System.]
Rondout Valley Looking North [Catskill System.]
Discharge Portal of Croton Lake Blow-Off of Catskill Aqueduct [Catskill System.]
North End of Kensico Reservoir [Catskill System.]
Finished Cut-and-Cover Aqueduct [Catskill System.]
Ashokan Aerator and Screen Chamber [Catskill System.]
Typical Pressure Tunnel Construction Shaft [Catskill System.]
Typical Stages of Cut-and-Cover Construction [Catskill System.]