Finished Cut-and-Cover Aqueduct [Catskill System.]
Typical Stages of Cut-and-Cover Construction [Catskill System.]
New Croton Aqueduct - Typical Horseshoe Section in Open Cut [Croton System.]
By-Pass Aqueduct Around Kensico Reservoir 11 Feet in Diameter [Catskill System.]
Discharge Portal of Croton Lake Blow-Off of Catskill Aqueduct [Catskill System.]
Rondout Pressure Tunnel Showing Partial and Total Concrete Lining [Catskill System.]
Kensico Aerator and Screen Chamber [Catskill System.]
New Croton Aqueduct - Cast-Iron Section Lining [Croton System.]
Typical Pressure Tunnel Construction Shaft [Catskill System.]
Drilling and Mucking Bench [of] Lower Half of Tunnel [Catskill System.]
Kensico Dam, Looking North-West [Catskill System.]
Indian Brook Siphon and North Siphon Chamber [Catskill System.]
Interior of Typical City Tunnel Shaft Chamber [Catskill System.]
Kensico Dam From South-West [Catskill System.]
Ashokan Aerator and Screen Chamber [Catskill System.]
Assembling Steel Shell of Steel Pipe Siphon [Catskill System.]
North End of Kensico Reservoir [Catskill System.]
Breakneck Gaging Chamber [Catskill System.]
Plan and Transverse Section of Hillview Reservoir [Catskill System.]
Dividing Weir and Dike, Ashokan Reservoir [Catskill System.]