Electric Cars [Allentown & Bethlehem Rapid Transit Co. No. 26 streetcar with Thomson-Houston motor.]
Electric Cars [Suburban Rapid Transit Street Railway streetcar.]
Electric Cars [Burlington Electric Railway No. 12 streetcar with Westinghouse motor.]
Electric Cars [Bleecker Street No. 22 streetcar, Genesee Street & Utica Park, with Sprague motor.]
Electric Cars [Rochester Railway Company No. 185 streetcar with General Electric motor.]
Electric Cars [Lebanon & Annville Street Railway No. 6 streetcar with Edison motor.]
Electric Cars [Concord Street Railway No. 21 streetcar with Thomson-Houston motor.]
Electric Cars [Binghamton Railroad No. 55 streetcar with Sprague motor.]
Aisle Cars [Columbia Railway Co. No. 10 streetcar.]
Electric Cars [North Avenue Railway Co. No. 7 streetcar, North & Guilford Avenues, Baltimore, with Baxter motor.]
Electric Cars [Cleveland Electric R'y No. 390 streetcar.]
Cable Cars [Washington & Georgetown Railroad Co. No. 1 streetcar.]
Electric Cars [Judge Krueger streetcar, Newark & South Orange.]
Summer Cars [No. 21 streetcar.]
Electric Cars [Bleecker Street No. 19 streetcar, Genesee Street & Utica Park, with Sprague motor.]
Electric Cars [Burlington Electric Railway No. 20 streetcar with Westinghouse motor.]
Electric Cars [Broad Street streetcar.]
Electric Cars [Public Square No. 5 streetcar, Factory Square, Glen Park & Brownville, with Edison motor.]
Electric Cars [Tenallytown streetcar No. 1, High Street & Tenallytown Road, Water Street to District Line.]
Electric Cars [Yonkers No. 44 streetcar, Getty Square.]