[Life's fortieth birthday.]
Life's Birthday Dinner
[Howard S. Cullman, backer of "Life With Father" and other Broadway productions.]
["Life With Father".]
Walk Slower Please!
[Unidentified man.]
The Life & Age of Woman.
LIFE Magazine Cover (The Older, Humorous Mag.)
A Darktown Lawn Party.
[Henry Morgenthau, Jr., Secretary of the Treasury.]
[Theoretical physicists Chen Ning Yang and Tsung-Dao Lee.]
[Robert K. Merton, professor of sociology at Columbia University.]
Success Magazine, Group, Editorial Staff.
[Augustus E. Giegengack, head of the U. S. Printing Office.]
[Pipers and dancers of the Scots Guards.]
[J. Otis Swift, nature editor of the World Telegram and founder of the Yosian Brotherhood.]
[Jacob K. Javits.]