[Rectory of the Shrine of St. Elizabeth Ann Bayley Seton, 7 State Street.]
[Shrine of St. Elizabeth Ann Bayley Seton, 7 State Street.]
[Wall Street looking towards Trinity Church; horse car passing the Shrine of St. Elizabeth Ann Bayley Seton, 7 State Street; Castle Garden.]
State Street [Reade Street to Suffolk Street]
[Museum of Primitive Art, 13-15 West 54th Street, Rhodes School, 9-11 West 54th Street, and 7 West 54th Street.]
[Bayley Seton Hospital.]
[New York City Hall, south façade.]
[63 Nassau Street.]
[123 East 35th Street.]
[254-260 Canal Street building at the southwest corner of Lafayette Street.]
[68th Street façade of 680 Park Avenue.]
[Interior of 172-176 Norfolk Street.]
[Inner courtyard of 1 East 91st Street.]