[Group in front of trees in summer apparel.]
Buffalo Bill and Annie Oakley
[Al Smith with his father, uncle and cousin.]
[Al Smith, with his father, uncle and cousin.]
[Al Smith as an altar boy.]
[Al Smith with his family.]
[Al Smith at a Democrats-for-Willkie booth.]
[Al Smith with his extended family.]
[Unidentified woman.]
[South Street, ramps from East River Drive to St. James Place.]
[...] [...]; C. Perry Hone [Midshipman?] [Members of the de Peyster, Foster, and Hone families and others.]
Emily Hone; Randall [M.?] [...] [Members of the de Peyster, Foster, and Hone families and others.]
[Carmine Schiaffo, Sr. in a Sanitation Department uniform.]
[Peter Cooper.]
[Peter G. Arcularius.]
Peter Williams
Peter Cooper
[DeWitt Clinton Falls.]
[Peter Page.]