[The Gotham Hotel, 700 Fifth Avenue.]
[Looking west on 55th Street past Fifth Avenue to the Gotham Hotel.]
Fifth Avenue Hotels St. Regis and Gotham, New York.
Fifth Avenue Hotels (St. Regis and Gotham). New York.
W. 55th Street near 5th Avenue. Hotel Gotham, entrance.
[Aeolian Building, 689-691 Fifth Avenue.]
[Looking north from the Plaza Hotel toward The Sherry-Netherland and The Pierre.]
West 55th Street near 5th Avenue. Hotel Gotham, exterior.
[Looking south on Fifth Avenue from the sidewalk in front of Charles Scribner's Sons, 597 Fifth Avenue.]
[The Pierre, 795 Fifth Avenue.]
[Waldorf-Astoria Hotel, 301 Park Avenue.]
West 55th Street near 5th Avenue. Hotel Gotham, ballroom.
[Looking north from the main branch of New York Public Library to 500 Fifth Avenue.]
West 55th Street near 5th Avenue. Hotel Gotham, dining room.
West 55th Street near 5th Avenue. Hotel Gotham, foyer hall.
[Looking north on Fifth Avenue from 52nd Street.]
[Looking west on 40th Street to the Republic National Bank Building, 452 Fifth Avenue.]
[Plaza Hotel.]