[Congregation Sons of Israel Kalwarie, 15 Pike Street.]
[Looking toward the northeast corner of Pike and Henry Streets.]
[Looking south on Pike Street toward Cherry Street and the Manhattan Bridge.]
Chinatown Gas Station (Pike)
[Division and Canal Streets.]
["Our Strength Is Our Heritage, Our Heritage Is Our Life" wall mural, 232 East Broadway.]
[Looking east on Canal Street from the intersection of Division Street.]
[Storefronts on East Broadway between Catherine and Market Streets.]
[First Chinese Presbyterian Church, 61 Henry Street.]
[Church of St. Teresa, 16-18 Rutgers Street.]
[Stores on Rivington Street.]
[Grand and Allen Streets.]
[Looking north on Bowery from Grand Street.]
[Armen Jewelers and Sol Stein Jeweler on Eldridge Street.]
[Pike Street to the Manhattan Bridge.]