[Looking northeast from the base of the Twin Towers of the World Trade Center.]
[Woolworth Building and the twin towers of the World Trade Center.]
[2 World Financial Center and the twin towers of the World Trade Center.]
[S & S Fish Co. at 38 Peck Slip and Beekman Fish Co. at 34 Peck Slip.]
[Looking south from a pier on West Street toward the Twin Towers of the World Trade Center.]
[Water Street and Peck Slip, South Street Seaport Historic District.]
[Looking southwest across the East River to the Brooklyn Bridge and the twin towers of the World Trade Center.]
[Looking toward the twin towers of the World Trade Center from Vinegar Hill.]
[Looking at the Twin Towers of the World Trade Center from the vicinity of Liberty State Park, New Jersey.]
[Looking north from the South Cove of the Battery Park City esplanade to the twin towers of the World Trade Center.]
[Looking southwest across the East River to the twin towers of the World Trade Center from Brooklyn.]
[South Street between Beekman and Peck Slip.]
[Peck Slip façade of Meyer's Hotel, 116-119 South Street.]
[World Trade Center tower and Federal Office Building.]
[Trompe l'oeil concealing a Con Ed substation at 237-257 Front Street, and the Jasper Ward house, 45 Peck Slip.]