New England Society in the City of New York Annual Dinner
New England Society in the City of New York
Friendly Sons of St. Patrick in the City of New York [118th anniversary dinner.]
148th Anniversary Banquet of the Saint Andrew's Society of the State of New York
141st Anniversary Banquet of the St. Andrew's Society of the State of New York
Thirty Second Annual Dinner of the New England Society in Brooklyn
Hotel Association of New York City Twenty-first Annual Banquet
Twefth Annual Dinner of the Canadian Society of New York
Seventh Annual Dinner of the Society of Colonial Wars
Fourteenth Annual Dinner of the Canadian Society of New York
The First Panel Sheriff's Jury Annual Dinner
Annual Dinner of the First Panel Sheriff's Jury
Thirtieth Annual Dinner of the New York Southern Society
Thirteenth Annual Dinner of the Canadian Society of New York
Annual Dinner of the First Panel, Sheriff's Jury
Third Annual Banquet of the Manufacturers' Association of Brass and Iron Work
Saint Nicholas Society Tasting Dinner