To celebrate the Coronation of Their Majesties King George V & Queen Mary
"Lest We Forget" Lusitania Memorial Service Fourth Anniversary
The City's Welcome to Their Majesties King George VI and Queen Elizabeth
AIDS 10 Years Remember, Respond, Resolve
In Memoriam King Edward VII
[Dedication St. John's Cathedral N.Y.]
Consecration of the Reverend William Thomas Manning as Bishop of New York
Dedication St. John's Cath. N.Y.
Commencement of Work for the Opening of the Great Interior of the Cathedral With $435,000 In Hand
A New Cathedral in a New World
The United Service of Prayer for the Establishment of a Just and Righteous Peace
The Services attendant upon the Opening of the Entire Length of the Cathedral of Saint John the Divine
[A model of St. John the Divine.]
George Rignold, as "King Henry V."
The Cathedral of Saint John the Divine. The Services attendant upon the Opening of the Entire Length of the Cathedral
[Easter services at the Cathedral of St. John the Divine.]