G. A. R. Memorial Day
Memorial Day G.A.R.
Grand Army of the Republic. Memorial Exercises at the Academy of Music
[General orders for Decoration Day.]
[Winchester Post, No. 197, G. A. R. entertainment planned for February 14 at the Academy of Music.]
Order of Exercises for Decorating Soldiers' Graves at Cypress Hill Cemetery
Parade, Daughters of the G.A.R., Fifth Ave. & 25th St.
Memorial Service commemorative of the late Gen. U. S. Grant
Literary Exercises at the Sub-Treasury Building, in commemoration of the Inauguration of George Washington as First President of the United States
The City of New York requests the honor of your presence at its Celebration of the Four Hundredth Anniversary of the Discovery of America
British Schools and Universities Club of New York Victoria Day Dinner
To any Member of the Police Force of the City of New York: Pass Bearer through the Police Lines
One hundred and Fifty-third Anniversary Dinner St. Andrew's Society of the State of New York
Mayor Seth Low crossing Williamsburg Bridge
Farewell Dinner to General Horace Porter Ambassador from the United States to France
New York Columbian Celebration Banquet to commemorate the Four Hundredth Anniversary of the Discovery of America
[Mayor Seth Low and officials crossing Williamsburg Bridge]
Virginia Day Nursery.