Seating List. Dinner in Honor of the British and French War Commissions Given by the Mayor of the City of New York
Triborough Bridge Ground Opening Ceremony
The Queens Midtown Tunnel Opening Ceremonies
Mayor's Committee of Welcome to Home-Coming Troops Review and Parade of the 27th Division
Mayor's Committee of Welcome to Home-Coming Troops. Review and Parade of the 77th Division
Luncheon on the occasion of the Opening of the 34th Street Ramp and the 42nd Street Viaduct
Mayor's Committee of Welcome to Home-Coming Troops. Review and Parade of the 27th Division
New York, Lake Erie & Western Railroad
Annual Celebration Society of Tammany or Columbian Order 152nd Anniversary of American Independence
Banquet in Celebration of the Twentieth Anniversary of Theatrical Protective Union
Fiftieth Anniversary of the Opening of the Brooklyn Bridge
34th Street and Park Avenue.
Dinner Given by the City of New York in Honor of His Excellency Leon Blum Ambasadeur Extraordinaire United States of the French Republic
[Park Avenue at 34th Street.]
In Memoriam William J. Gaynor Mayor of New York City
East 34th Street and Park Avenue. 71st Regiment Armory building
Paderewski Fund for Polish Relief
Dinner Given by the City of New York in honor of the Rt. Hon. Winston S. Churchill
34th Street at the corner of Park Avenue. 71st Regiment Armory.
East 34th Street and Madison Avenue. Cameron Building.