The St. Andrew's Society of the State of New York 165th Anniversary Dinner
One hundred and Fifty-third Anniversary Dinner St. Andrew's Society of the State of New York
153rd Anniversary Banquet of the Saint Andrew's Society of the State of New York
141st Anniversary Banquet of the St. Andrew's Society of the State of New York
157th Anniversary Dinner of the St. Andrew's Society of the State of New York
157th Anniversary Dinner of Saint Andrew's Society of the State of New York
148th Anniversary Banquet of the Saint Andrew's Society of the State of New York
149th Anniversary Banquet of the Saint Andrew's Society of the State of New York
Anniversary Festival of St. Andrew. Banquet of Saint Andrew's Society of the State of New York.
149th Anniversary Banquet of Saint Andrew's Society.
149th Anniversary Banquet of the Saint Andew's Society of the State of New York
131st Anniversary Dinner of the Society of the Friendly Sons of St. Patrick
The Society of the Friendly Sons of St. Patrick in the City of New York 130th Anniversary Dinner
History of Saint Andrew's Society of the State of New York, 1756-1906
146th Annual Banquet of the Saint Andrew's Society of the State of New York
Dinner in honour of His Excellency Ferdinand Foch, Marshal of France, given by the France-America Society
Dinner to the Minister Plenipotentiary to the United States from Canada the Honourable Vincent Massey, P.C.
Friendly Sons of St. Patrick in the City of New York 132nd Anniversary Dinner
Annual Dinner of the Society of Naval Architects and Marine Engineers