The Conferring of the Degree of Doctor of Laws on Ferdinand Foch, Maréchal De France
Special University Convocation for the Conferring of an Honorary Degree Upon the Most Reverend and Right Honorable the Archbishop of York
[Cardineal Mercier on a visit to this country.]
Columbia University. University Convocation
His Eminence Cardinal McCloskey.
In Commemoration of the One Hundred and Fiftieth Anniversary of the Founding of Kings College
Official Reception to His Eminence John Cardinal Bonzano
Law library in Kent Hall, Columbia University.
Columbia University [Law students holding a mock trial.]
The Library of Columbia University, New York City.
Columbia University, from the north.
Columbia University 1907, From the South East.
Opening Exercises of the 151st Academic Year
Columbia University [Lou Little, football coach, in his office.]
Columbia University [In one year, Columbia professors wrote this many books.]