[Adoption of the new official city flag and celebration of the 250th anniversary of the installation of the first Mayor and Board of Aldermen.]
The Honorable John Purroy Mitchel Mayor of the City of New York Requests the Honor of Your Presence at City Hall to Meet the British War Commission
The Honorable John Purroy Mitchel Mayor of the City of New York Requests the Honor of Your Presence at City Hall to Meet the French War Commission
The Honorable Abraham D. Beame Mayor of the City of New York requests the pleasure of your company
The Mayor of the City of New York takes pleasure in issuing to Mr. Clarence Davies this Certificate of Membership
The City of New York - 1609-1930
Safe and Sane Fourth of July. Athletic Celebration
To meet the members of the British and French War Commissions the Mayor of the City of New York requests the honour of your presence
The Board of Directors of the American Society of Civil Engineers requests the honor of your presence
Dinner to the Honorable the Mayor John Purroy Mitchel, His Cabinet and a Possible Cabinet of a Mayor of the Future
The City of Brooklyn requests the honour of your presence at its Celebration of the Four Hundredth Anniversary of the Discovery of America
Commemorating the 250th Anniversary of the Founding of the Board of Aldermen, 1665
Silver Jubilee Parade of the Municipal Departments
The Mayor of the City of New York Rudolph W. Giuliani welcomes you to the Centennial Celebration of the Consolidation of the City of New York
The Sons of the Revolution in the State of New York have the Honour to request the Presence of Allen M. Thomas
Burning of the City Hall New York
[Mr. and Mrs. Richard Lathers request the honour of your presence at the celebration of their Golden Wedding.]
Mayor's Committee, Celebration, Silver Jubilee, New York. 25th Anniversary of the Greater City of New York
[Reserved seats on the grand stand in front of City Hall to witness the Parade of Nations.]