Exercises at the Dedication of the Monument and Tomb of General Ulysses S. Grant
Ceremonies incident to the Rededication of the Tomb of General Ulysses S. Grant
[Dedication of the Monument and Tomb of General Ulysses S. Grant.]
General Ulysses S. Grant
Dedication of Grant Monument
General Grant at the Tomb of Abraham Lincoln.
Mausoleum of U.S. Grant
[General Grant's Tomb.]
[General Grant's Tomb, Riverside Drive.]
Father - Saviour - Defender. April 27, 1892
"Let us have peace" Grant's Tomb - Riverside Drive [Album No. II.]
[Grant's Tomb.]
First tomb of General U.S. Grant.
Proceedings on the Occasion of the Banquet to Celebrate the Sixty-eighth Anniversary of the Birth of General U. S. Grant