[Bruce Gordon in "A Man for All Seasons".]
["A Man for All Seasons" theater still.]
[Albert Dekker as The Duke of Norfolk, William Roderick as Sir Thomas More, and Bruce Gordon as Thomas Cromwell in "A Man for All Seasons".]
[William Roderick as Sir Thomas More in "A Man for All Seasons".]
[Paul Milikin and Robert Harris in "A Man for All Seasons".]
[Robert Harris and John Scanlan in "A Man for All Seasons".]
[Faye Dunaway as Margaret More and William Roderick as Sir Thomas More in "A Man for All Seasons".]
[Robert Harris and Richard Branda in "A Man for All Seasons".]
[Robert Harris and Robert Donley in "A Man for All Seasons".]
[Robert Donley, Paul Milikin and Jeff Morrow in "A Man for All Seasons".]
[Vanya Franck, Robert Harris and Colgate Salsbury in "A Man for All Seasons".]
[Robert Donley, Lois Kibbee, Vanya Franck and Richard Branda in "A Man for All Seasons".]
[Robert Harris and Jeff Morrow in "A Man for All Seasons".]
[Dick O'Neill and Robert Harris in "A Man for All Seasons".]
[Robert Harris and Dick O'Neill in "A Man for All Seasons".]