The Friars Complimentary Dinner to Richard E. Enright in the Great Hall of the Monastery
The Last Roundup [Police Commissioner Enright with unidentified men.]
Banquet tendered by the Citizens Committee to the Hon. Richard E. Enright on his twenty-fifth Anniversary of Service to the City of New York
[Elias Dunn, Police Commissioner Enright, Sydney Dean, Dr. Amos O. Squire and Mrs. Edward D. Dough at a New York Press Club dinner.]
Testimonial Luncheon tendered to Hon. John A. Harriss, Special Deputy Police Commissioner of the City of New York
The Peary Arctic Club requests the honor of the company of Robert H. Lyman Esq. to meet Commander Robert E. Peary, U.S.N. at dinner
Dinner to celebrate the Fiftieth Anniversary of the Organization of the Manhattan Club
The City Club of New York Luncheon Meeting "A Permanent City Planning Commission"
Dinner to the Honorable Charles E. Hughes by the Lotos Club
The Peary Arctic Club to Commander Robert E. Peary, U.S.N.
Dinner to Robert E. Peary by to Lotos Club
Dinner to His Excellency Sir Chentung Liang Cheng by the Lotos Club
Fifth Annual Dinner of the MacDowell Club of New York City
Dinner to Robley D. Evans by the Lotos Club