Twentieth Annual Ball of Troop F, Third Regiment Cavalry N.G.S.N.Y.
Third Annual Ball of Troop J, Third Regiment Cavalry, N.Y.S.N.G.
Twenty-Second Infantry, N.G.S.N.Y.
Annual Ball of the Brooklyn Fire Department
Reception and Promenade Concert of the Twelfth Infantry N.G.S.N.Y
Eighth Annual Ball. Young Men's Monte Cristo Club
Firemen's Sixth Annual Ball
American Company, IX. Second Annual Ball
Firemen's 6th Annual Ball
Annual Hop of the Perry Hose Co. No. 23
Armory of the Eighth Regiment (Washington Greys) N.G.S.N.Y.
St. Nicholas Association Third Annual Ball
First Annual Ball of the Irish Emigrant Society
Annual Ball of the Patrick Divver Association
Commemorative of the Centennial Anniversary of the 7th Regiment N.G. State of New York
Ball of the Terpsichore Club
Independent Ball
Knickerbocker Engine Co. No. 12, Annual Hop
3rd Annual Ball of the Chatham Fire Company
Niagara Engine Company, 4