Boost New York City. Dinner to Honorable John F. Hylan
"The Bohemians" (New York Musicians' Club) Dinner in honor of the Flonzaley Quartet
Group, Hylan, Gaynor.
Dinner tendered to Owen D. Young
[Testimonial dinner to Mrs. Charles H. Sabin.]
Dinner in Honor of General John J. Pershing, U.S.A.
Seating List. The Citizens Dinner to Honor the Rt. Rev. William T. Manning, D.D. and the New York Protesant Espiscopal City Mission Society
Dinner to the Honorable the Mayor John Purroy Mitchel, His Cabinet and a Possible Cabinet of a Mayor of the Future
Seating List. Testimonial Dinner to Mrs. Charles H. Sabin
Dinner to the Honorable Oscar S. Straus and Mrs. Straus
Banquet Tendered to the Honorable William Loeb Junior
Testimonial Dinner to the Right Reverend William T. Manning, D.D. Bishop of New York
The Mayor of the City of New York takes pleasure in issuing to Mr. Clarence Davies this Certificate of Membership
Dinner to Honorable David Leventritt on his retirement as a Justice of the Supreme Court of the State of New York
Testimonial Home Coming Banquet to the Honourable James J. Walker, Mayor of the City of New York
Dinner in honor of Gertrude Ederle, America's Conqueror of the English Channel, Given by the Mayor's Committee on Receptions
Banquet tendered to Miss Gertrude Ederle, America's Conqueror of the English Channel by Mayor's Committee on Receptions
Dinner in honor of the Hon. Theodore Roosevelt Governor of the State of New York
Dinner in honor of Artur Bodansky by the Bohemians New York Musicians Club
Dinner to Honor Gen. Jonathan M. Wainwright and His Staff