[Lee Roy Reams as Henry Spofford and Tamara Long as Dorothy Shaw in "Lorelei".]
[Tamara Long as Dorothy Shaw in "Lorelei".]
[Carol Channing and Tamara Long.]
[Lee Roy Reams and Penny Fuller in "Applause".]
Tony Awards - Lee Roy Reams
[Recording session for "Lorelei".]
[Brandon Maggart, Lee Roy Reams, Anne Baxter and Lawrence Weber in "Applause".]
"Lorelei" Dorothy - Nightclub - Tamara Long
"Lorelei" Dorothy in 'Coolidge' - Tamara Long
["Lorelei" theater still.]
Dorothy Wedding - Tamara Long [Costume design for "Lorelei".]
"Lorelei" Dorothy in Night Club Number - Tamara Long
Dorothy, Boat Sun Deck - Tamara Long [Costume design for "Lorelei".]