Look Mamma! how nicely I have mended this with Major's Cement
Metropolitan Manufacturing Co.
Nichols' Bark & Iron
Clean Baths with Sapolio
Dutton & Rhodes
Allen's Jewel Five Cent Plug
"Excelsior" Presented by Enoch Morgan's Sons Co., New York
The Discomfited Drummers. A Tale of Duke of Durham Tobacco
Dr. Colton's Vegetable Dentonic
What the "Peep O'Day" Alarm Clock Did!
State Line New York and Glasgow
New York - Civic Escort to President elect Grover Cleveland
Merry Christmas
United American Lines, S.S. "Cleveland" Pier 86, N.R., Interior, Tourists Class, Dancing Floor.
Pyle's Pearline
Hill Brothers. Importers & Jobbers of Millinery Goods
James McCutcheon
Ships, Hamburg American Line, S.S. "Cleveland".