In Commemoration of the Introduction of Pure & Wholesome Water in the City of New York from the Croton River.
Completion of the Croton Aqueduct Celebrated
Washington Riflemen
Croton Aqueduct
New Croton Aqueduct - Typical Horseshoe Section in Open Cut [Croton System.]
Official Ceremonies in Celebration of the Completion of the Catskill Aqueduct and in Honor of its Builders
Croton Aqueduct at Jewells Brook.
New Croton Aqueduct - Head House at Shaft 19 [Croton System.]
Croton Aqueduct at Hastings.
Mayor's Catskill Aqueduct Celebration Committee
Croton Aqueduct over Mill River.
New Croton Aqueduct - Cast-Iron Section Lining [Croton System.]
Executive Committee. Mayor's Catskill Aqueduct Celebration Committee
New Croton Aqueduct - Siphon Under Harlem River [Croton System.]
Croton Aqueduct at Glendinning Valley
Celebration of the Introduction of the Nassau Water Into the City of Brooklyn
To Commemorate the Completion of the Catskill Aqueduct
Formal Turning On of the Water of the Catskill Aqueduct
Croton Aqueduct at Clendinning Valley