New York City Transit Authority
Brooklyn Union Elevated Railroad Company Ticket
Transportation Map of New York
Inspection of the Rapid Transit Subway
New York City Transit Authority Monthly Ticket - Elementary School
90-Year Anniversary of the Opening of the New York City Subway System
[Metropolitan Transit Authority.]
New York City Transit Authority Seventh Avenue Line
Map of the Subway System of New York
Top Section of Yoke of 5000-K.W., Westinghouse, A.C., Rotating-Field Generator
The New York Elevated Railroad Company
Field for First 250-K.W., Westinghouse, D.C., Engine-Type Generator
Section of Yoke of First 5000 K.W. Rotating Field Generator
[New York City Transfer Ticket]
Steel Plates for Spider Rim of Third 5000-K.W., Westinghouse, Rotating-Field Generator
Routes of New York City Omnibus Corporation
Spider Rim Segment of Revolving Part of Second 5000-K.W., Westinghouse, Rotating-Field Generator