Silas C. Herring & Co. ; P. Trainor
Franklin Street and Greenwich Street. B. Fischer and Co. Factory, safe deposit boxes.
[218-224, 226 and 228 West Broadway.]
Wm. S. Vanderbilt & Bros. ; A. Toth ; Tilton & McFarland
67 Hudson Street at the corner Jay Street. Hudson Street Hospital.
158 West Broadway. Standard Supply Co. Building, after alteration.
54-58 Laight Street and 437-441 Greenwich Street.
Worth Street and Broadway. New York Life Ins. Co. Old building, Worth Street and Broadway. T.A. Buckner's anteroom.
Walker Street. Interior of New York Trust Co.
61-63 and 65-67 Duane Street, corner of Elk Street.
Franklin Street and Varick Street. Francis H. Leggett Co. Building, cellar.
Franklin Street and Varick Street. Francis H. Leggett Co. Building.
496 West Broadway. Old J. Personeni store.
60 Hudson Street. Western Union Building.
250 Hudson Street and Broome Street, N.E. corner. Holland Tunnel Plaza.
250 Hudson Street. View looking east at Hudson Street side.
39 North Moore. View of tiled floor and walls in work rooms at S.H. Haran Co. fish importers.
40 Worth Street. Detail of 220 Church Street entrance.