Lot Merkel, Furrier
Hy Kleinstein, LES, Storeowner
Chock & Co. (L to R) Ray Calderon, Zalman, Ann Zell, Hilliard, Donald Schwartz
Certificate of Cooperation
Christian G. Gunther, Importer of All Kinds of European Furs
Peter B. Hassett
From J. B. Eckert, Wholesale and Retail Dealer in Butter & Cheese
Ruins of the Merchant's Exchange N.Y.
Maiden Lane [MacDougal Street to Maiden Lane]
The Merchants' Exchange, N.Y.
Exchange, New York.
Merchants Exchange
[Looking east along Wall Street in the winter of 1864.]
J. B. Eckert, Wholesale and Retail Dealer in Butter & Cheese
Eckstein (L to R) Herbert, David, Eugene, Orchard St.
Eckstein's (L to R) Herbert, David,, Eugene, Orchard St.
Merchant's Exchange, New York.
Public Buildings in the City of New - York.