Funeral Ceremonies in honor of the late Hon. Henry Clay
46 Varick Street. St. John's Protestant Episcopal Chapel, interior.
Funeral Ceremonies in honor of the late Gen. Zachary Taylor.
Arrangements in honor of the memory of James Monroe
[North east corner of Canal and Hudson Streets.]
[Map of land from Lispenard Street to Duggan Street, between Chapel Street and Church Street.]
Map of the City of New-York, Compiled and Surveyed by William Hooker Expressly for the Series of Views illustrating the City of New York and its environs
Map of the Sixth Ward in the City of New York
[475 Greenwich Street]
Broadway and Canal Street [Broadway & Murray to Broadway & Canal Street]
Worth Street. New York Life Insurance Co., main lobby to offices.
Worth Street. New York Life Insurance Co., President Kingsley's private office at S.E. corner.
Worth Street and Broadway. New York Life Ins. Co. Old building, Worth Street and Broadway. T.A. Buckner's private office.