M. House, Attorney & Counsellor at Law
[Lotta Crabtree.]
Lotta as "Fire Fly"
Go See the Orguinette
M. Howes, Attorney and Counsellor at Law
E.B. Orcutt, Restaurant and Lunch Room
Every night and Saturday matinee until further notice, John Brougham's dramatization of Charles Dickens' story, "Old Curiosity Shop", entitled "Little Nell and the Marchioness"
George A. McDermott
Walking Down Broadway
Matthew Carter, Manufactory of Looking Glasses
J. B. Porcher
The Mustang Bank
Centennial Celebration of the Inauguration of George Washington as President of the United States. Reception at The Lawyers' Club, April 29, 1889
Reception at the Equitable Building, in the Lawyers' Club, April 29, 1889
Whyte's, Inc.