Pulsating Pen Print
Compliments of the MacKinnon Pen Company
J. H. Richardson, Wood Engraver
Brownell & Co.
The Empire Engine Co. will receive their Friends on Friday evening
J. Leach
Hanover Fire Insurance Co.
The Garvie & Wood Patent Musical Sewing Machine Cover
M. Howes, Attorney and Counsellor at Law
C. L. Schember
Ira Perego, Patent Bosom Shirts
Ira Perego, Importer & Manufacturer of Gentlmens Fine Furnishing Goods
Head Office, Company's Building
B. W. Raper, Embosser
Pacent Electric Co., Inc.
S. Grundy, Seedsman & Florist
Ex. Safety Devices, Amer. Inst. Social Service.