Wonders Will Never Cease! The Pulsating Pen
Compliments of the MacKinnon Pen Company
J. H. Richardson, Wood Engraver
J. Leach
Hanover Fire Insurance Co.
M. Howes, Attorney and Counsellor at Law
C. L. Schember
Ira Perego, Importer & Manufacturer of Gentlmens Fine Furnishing Goods
Ira Perego, Patent Bosom Shirts
Printed with Wade's Letter-Press Inks, Manufactured by H.D. Wade & Co.
B. W. Raper, Embosser
Pacent Electric Co., Inc.
The Empire Engine Co. will receive their Friends on Friday evening
Head Office, Company's Building
Printing House Square and New York Times Building.
S. Grundy, Seedsman & Florist
Nassau Street [Market Street to Park Avenue & 41st Street]
Nassau Street and Ann Street [Market Street to Park Avenue & 41st Street]