Great Exhibition, 1851
The New York World's Fair 1939
Broadway from the Bowling Green, 1828.
Music Hall, New York World's Fair
M. F. Tompkins, Fine Groceries
Heinz Dome, New York World's Fair
[72 and 64 Front Street for sale.]
Trylon and Perisphere, New York World's Fair
World's Fair Banquet
[50 Cliff Street and 279 Pearl Street for sale.]
Both Sides of Broadway from Bowling Green to Worth Street [American Express Building at 65 Broadway.]
The New York International Exposition. The World's Fair Banquet
Medical Building Exhibits at the World's Fair
Sam'l Thompson & Nephew's Black Star Line of Liverpool Packets and the National Line of Liverpool & Queenstown Steamers
A View of Cooke's Tomb in St. Paul's New York
Compliments of Nicoll the Tailor
The Ford Motor Company Building, New York World's Fair 1939
Tulip Gardens in Rose Court, New York World's Fair