"Justice to Harry of the West." Oration by Daniel Ullman, Esqr. on the Life and Services of Henry Clay
Public Meeting of the Minerva Literary Association
Banner Presentation. The Clinton Fire Engine Co. No. 41
Hon. Stephen Allen's Pocket Piece
First Entertainment Given Under the Auspices of the Committee on Intellectual Advancement of Abarbanel Lodge No. 92, I.O.B.B.
[North east corner of Chrystie Street looking north from Bayard Street.]
The Daniel E. Finn Association First Annual Ball
Bloomingdale Lyceum
Bloomingdale Lyceum. Lecture by Charles W. Dayton
Lyceum Club Lectures
Chrystie & Stanton Sts. Feb. 10 1912
Reception to Hon. Richard Croker
"Getting Books" at 48 Henry Street.
[193 Chrystie Street.]
Jos. Ott & Co's
St. Stephen's Church