Van Beil's "Rye and Rock"
Rye and Rock
Shaker Extract of Roots (Seigel's Syrup)
The Shaker Extract of Roots is a Cure for Dyspepsia
John S. Hawley & Co., Pure Confectionery
[View of jail.]
115 Chambers Street. Irving Savings Bank. Interior, board room
115 Chambers Street. Irving Savings Bank
Chambers Street. Irving Savings Bank, exterior.
Worth Street. New York Life Insurance Co., main lobby to offices.
Worth Street. New York Life Insurance Co., President Kingsley's private office at S.E. corner.
Worth Street and Broadway. New York Life Ins. Co. Old building, Worth Street and Broadway. T.A. Buckner's private office.
Worth Street and Broadway. New York Life Ins. Co. Old building, Worth Street and Broadway. Walker Buckner's anteroom.
Worth Street and Broadway. New York Life Ins. Co. Old building, Worth Street and Broadway. Walker Buckner's private office.
Franklin Street and Greenwich Street. B. Fischer and Co. Factory, engine room.
Franklin Street and Varick Street. Francis H. Leggett Co. Building, engine room.