Mount Sinai Lodge No. 270. I.O.B.B.
The Elks' Lodge Room, J.C.
36th Anniversary Entertainment & Reception of Magnolia Lodge, 166, I.O.O.F.
Entertainment given by Wm. Golden Mortimer, M.D. under the auspices of the Young Men's Class (Church of the Redeemer.)
Banquet tendered to Grand Exalted Ruler Edward Leach by New York Lodge No. 1. B.P.O. Elks
Watson's Novel & Original Dime Entertainments. Eighth Grand Sacred Concert
Grand International Bicycle Tournament under the Auspices of the Metropolitan Association of Cycling Clubs
Fourth Annual Re-Union Associate Alumni of the Male Department of Grammar School No. 14, New York City
Watson's Novel & Original Dime Entertainments. Ninth Grand Sacred Concert
Watson's Novel & Original Dime Entertainments. Thirteenth Grand Sacred Concert
Watson's Novel & Original Dime Entertainments. Eleventh Grand Sacred Concert
Mass Meeting under the auspices of the Democratic Campaign Committee
Musicale and Literary Entertainment
Catalogue of Music of the Only Perfectly Combined Automatic and Manual Organs
Watson's Novel & Original Dime Entertainments. Thirteenth Dime Entertainment
Concert Under the Auspices of the Dry Goods Mutual Benefit Association
The Garvie & Wood Patent Musical Sewing Machine Cover
"Justice to Harry of the West." Oration by Daniel Ullman, Esqr. on the Life and Services of Henry Clay
Street Scenes, Broadway & Union Square.