[Menasha Skulnik in the title role of "Uncle Willie".]
[George Howe as Mr. Pickwick, Nigel Green as Mr. Jingle, Clive Revill as Sam Weller, and Estelle Winwood as Mrs. Leo Hunter in "Mr. Pickwick".]
["Mr. Pickwick" theater still.]
[George Hearn as Kurt Muller and Joyce Ebert as Sara Muller in "Watch on the Rhine".]
[Vincent Price as Mr. Manningham in "Angel Street".]
[Ferdi Hoffman as Mr. Manningham in "Angel Street".]
[Fred Stone as Lightnin' Bill Jones, Helen Brooks as Mildred Buckley and Mrs. Priestly Morrison as Mrs. Jones in "Lightnin'".]
[Jan Miner as Fanny Farrelly in "Watch on the Rhine".]
[Judith Evelyn as Mrs. Manningham in "Angel Street".]
["Solitaire / Double Solitaire" theater still.]
[Fred Stone as Lightnin' Bill Jones in "Lightnin'".]
[Ferdi Hoffman as Mr. Manningham and Judith Evelyn as Mrs. Manningham in "Angel Street".]
[Ferdi Hoffman as Mr. Manningham and Jetti Preminger as Nancy in "Angel Street".]