[Marriage of Hattie F. Eidlitz and Schuyler Quackenbush.]
Hattie F. Eidlitz [Marriage to Schuyler Quackenbush.]
Schuyler Quackenbush [Marriage to Hattie F. Eidlitz.]
Mr. & Mrs. A. A. Low, at Home
[Mr. and Mrs. Elihu Chauncey request the pleasure of the Misses Pierrepont's company.]
[Mr. Henry Evelyn Pierrepont requests the pleasure of Miss Anna Jay Pierrepont's company at breakfast.]
Mrs. Holmes at Home
At Home
Mr. & Mrs. Hollingshead, at Home
Mrs. John D. Mairs at Home
Happy New Year. The Members of Pearl Hose Company No. 28 At Home
[Reception in honor of His Royal Highness the Prince of Wales on board H.M.S. "Renown".]
Mary E. St. John
St. James Hotel New York. Bill of Fare.
[Breakfast with Lea McIlvaine Luquer.]
[House at 87th Street and the Hudson River.]
Piano Recital by Sergei Rachmaninoff
Executors Sale of Hurl Gate Property
[West-Park Presbyterian Church.]
[Copy of a Map of the Lands Lately Belonging to the Estate of the Late Sir Peter Warren Lying at Greenwich in the Outlands of the City of New York, Surveyed August 1773]